Ruby – Shichon (Teddy Bear) Puppy in Indiana in IN
Gone Home
is a Tri-Colored female Shichon (Teddy Bear),
She was born on
May 12, 2023
ready to go to
forever home now!
estimated fullgrown size is 10 to 15 lbs –
She will come with
all her dewormings,
1st vaccine shots,
vet examination,
health record,
small bag puppy food,
puppy toy,
and etc. – Ruby's parents are ACA registered, so she will come with her ACA application
included too!
Ruby at
weeks old (Photos: Jun 03, 2023)
Ruby's Parents – Shichon (Teddy Bear) Puppy Litter
Ruby's Shichon (Teddy Bear) Sibling Puppies
Google - Reviews from Our Customers
Garvit Chhabra
November 19, 2021 01:29:02 PM
A great loving family who raises puppies with love and care. They had my puppy boy ready with food and toys on the day of pickup. He is a healthy and happy boy!