Sweetest Dog Ever!!
Sweetest Dog Ever!!

July 15, 2022
Her registered name says it all: Sweet As Honey, but she is known around here as Honey. When people see her for the first time, the most typical reaction is a long “awe”. If I scold her during training, she immediately wants to lick my face to say she is sorry and I always start laughing:) She is so friendly, she doesn’t know a stranger. I live in an apartment complex for people over 62 yrs of age and to see how everyone’s face lights up around her is uplifting. I have never in my life petted a dog whose hair is so silky soft that it is remarkable. Honey is in the process of being trained as a service dog and she will make a good one. I am often asked where I got her and I begin by saying, “A loving family”.
Shirley Y