Daisy – F1-Goldendoodle Puppy in Indiana in IN
Daisy is very affectionate, playful, and gentle; love at first sight!
is a female F1-Goldendoodle,
She was born on
April 6, 2022
ready to go to
forever home now!
estimated fullgrown size is 55 to 60 lbs –
She will come with
all her dewormings,
1st vaccine shots,
vet examination,
health record,
small bag puppy food,
puppy toy,
and etc. – Daisy's parents are registered, so she will come with her application
included too!
Daisy at
weeks old (Photos: Apr 27, 2022)
Daisy's Parents – F1-Goldendoodle Puppy Litter
Daisy's F1-Goldendoodle Sibling Puppies
Google - Reviews from Our Customers
Hannah Nunn
January 9, 2022 12:16:25 PM
picked up my new puppy, and he is sooo sweet and playful and good with my other animals and kids! he’s healthy and cute as ever! thank you ramsey kennels, great experience!! definitely recommend!