Franco – F1-Goldendoodle Puppy in Indiana in IN
is a male F1-Goldendoodle,
He was born on
April 4, 2022
ready to go to
forever home now!
estimated fullgrown size is 60 to 65 lbs –
He will come with
all his dewormings,
1st vaccine shots,
vet examination,
health record,
small bag puppy food,
puppy toy,
and etc.
Franco's Parents – F1-Goldendoodle Puppy Litter
Franco's F1-Goldendoodle Sibling Puppies
Google - Reviews from Our Customers
Lisa Smith
March 19, 2022 02:01:49 PM
Wonderful experience with Ramsey Creek Kennels!!! Our Baby is just beautiful we love her so much. Health records, gift bag, starter food and good information were very much appreciated. I will definitely recommend to anyone.