Polariz – Shichon (Teddy Bear) puppy
is a male
Shichon (Teddy Bear),
He was born on
February 12, 2022
is now 2 years, 11 months, 1 week, 4 days old.
Polariz at
weeks old (Photos: Feb 21, 2022)
Polariz's Parents – Shichon (Teddy Bear) Puppy Litter
Polariz's Shichon (Teddy Bear) Sibling Puppies
Google - Reviews from Our Customers
Garvit Chhabra
November 19, 2021 01:29:02 PM
A great loving family who raises puppies with love and care. They had my puppy boy ready with food and toys on the day of pickup. He is a healthy and happy boy!
Hannah Nunn
January 9, 2022 12:16:25 PM
picked up my new puppy, and he is sooo sweet and playful and good with my other animals and kids! he’s healthy and cute as ever! thank you ramsey kennels, great experience!! definitely recommend!